Переводчик Sergey Miroshnichenko

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  • Английский → Русский = 12.5 кр. стоимость 1800 знаков

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    B2: Переводит свободно

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State University of Nizhny Novgorod (1990 - 1990)

Ph.D. in Chemistry - Chemistry

Описание: Ph.D. in Chemistry

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D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of (1975 - 1981)

master - chemical technology

Описание: chemical process engineer


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Другая информация

  • На сайте:с 15 февраля 2018
  • Место проживания:Ставрополь, Россия


  • 01.04.1981 - 01.12.1992 researcher - Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances
  • 01.12.1992 - 01.12.1995 operator at ammonia production - JSC "Nevinnomyssky Azot"
  • 01.12.1995 - 01.12.1997 project manager - Samsung Electronics
  • 01.03.1998 - 01.05.1999 investigador titular B - "CIO" (Leon, Mexico)
  • 01.07.1999 - 01.03.2003 interpreter & translator - JSC "Nevinnomyssky Azot"
  • 01.03.2004 - 01.03.2009 senior research fellow - Institute of Wool
  • 01.03.2009 - Это Ваше текущее место работы? Freelance Translator - Freelance

Nord Stream 2

  • Дата выполнения:17.03.2017
  • Тематика:Промышленность
  • Описание проекта:
    Upon commissioning of the Nord Stream gas pipeline, Gazprom has been looking into the possibility of boosting the capacity of this facility, which plays an important role in ensuring reliable supplies of Russian natural gas and serves to meet additional demand in Europe.

    As a result, on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June 2015 the heads of Gazprom, E.ON, Royal Dutch Shell and OMV signed Memorandums of Intent stipulating the cooperation among the companies for constructing of two additional strings of the Nord Stream pipeline.

    Similar to the first two strings, the new ones will be laid from the Russian coast via the Baltic Sea to Greifswald. The capacity of the new gas pipeline will reach 55 billion cubic meters a year. In September 2015, the Shareholders Agreement was signed and the new project was named Nord Stream 2. It is expected to enter service in the fourth quarter of 2019.

Tobolsk 2 FEED

  • Дата выполнения:24.03.2016
  • Тематика:Промышленность
  • Описание проекта:
    ZapSibNeftekhim, a subsidiary of Sibur, has started construction of its integrated ZapSibNeftekhim Petrochemical Complex (ZapSib-2), located approximately three kilometres north of Sibur’s polymer site at Tobolsk, following its final decision to proceed with the project in September 2014. Project planning began in 2012.

    The complex will integrate a steam cracker for production of ethylene, propylene and butane-butylene fraction (BBF) and will include polyethylene units and a polypropylene unit. It will be the biggest integrated complex for the production of polymers in Russia when it comes online following a construction period of five to five-and-a-half years.

Tengizchevroil Future Growth Project

  • Дата выполнения:19.03.2015
  • Тематика:Промышленность
  • Описание проекта:
    Tengizchevroil's Future Growth Project-Wellhead Pressure Management Project (FGP-WPMP) is the next major expansion of oil production at Tengiz and is of significant importance to the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Future Growth Project (FGP) is based on TCO’s successful 2008 Sour Gas Injection-Second Generation Project expansion, on which another Fluor-led Joint Venture participated. FGP will expand production by approximately 12 million tonnes per year. The Wellhead Pressure Management Project (WPMP) will keep existing plants full by installation of a central pressure boost facility. FGP and WPMP are being executed together to realize efficiencies and cost savings.

Nord Stream

  • Дата выполнения:11.03.2010
  • Тематика:Промышленность
  • Описание проекта:
    Nord Stream is an export gas pipeline running from Russia to Europe across the Baltic Sea. As it bypasses transit countries, Nord Stream provides Gazprom with direct access to European consumers. The pipeline ensures high reliability of Russian gas supplies to Europe.

Integrated Development of the SHTOKMAN Gas-Condens

  • Дата выполнения:13.03.2008
  • Тематика:Промышленность
  • Описание проекта:
    Among the great problems with developing such a resource are where the gas will be marketed and how to transport it. Sevmorneftegaz and the Shtokman Development Company are working on the phase I development (design and construction) of the Shtokman infrastructure.

    This will include a production complex, a pipeline network and an LNG plant. The gas was initially destined for the US market as LNG export but Gazprom has also indicated that it wants to export some of the produced gas to Europe via the Nord Stream pipeline and this will require a pipeline spur from the Shtokman field to the Murmansk Oblast and then via Kola peninsula to Volkhov in the Leningrad Oblast.

    An LNG production facility is also planned and will be constructed in the village of Teriberka, which is situated about 72 miles (120km) east of Murmansk.
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